Friday, June 20, 2014

This I Believe

  1. I believe in God
  2. I believe I'm a lucky girl
  3. I believe I have an awesome mom
  4. I believe I have an awesome dad
  5. I believe I have an great son
  6. I believe I have a great brother
  7. I believe I have a good husband
  8. I believe I have the best family in the world
  9. I believe in me
  10. I believe that people can be kind
  11. I believe that there are angels amongst us
  12. I believe that love can fix a lot
  13. I believe that hard work pays off
  14. I believe in destiny
  15. I believe in true friendship
  16. I believe in morals
  17. I believe in respect
  18. I believe in loyalty 
  19. I believe in love
  20. I believe in kindness
  21. I believe in people
  22. I believe that heaven is real
  23. I believe that people deserve to have equal rights
  24. I believe that government wants to have total control of the people
  25. I believe that each person should have freedom
  26. I believe that we need to have more strict laws to protect our children
  27. I believe no kid should suffer hunger
  28. I believe no kid should be hurt
  29. I believe that kids have the most precious soul
  30. I believe that we should defend kids' innocence
  31. I believe that we need to let kids dream
  32. I believe parents need to support their children no matter what
  33. I believe that a child comes first no matter what.

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